Heather Tait
Cliftonville West 2014 - 2019
Cliftonville West 2014 - 2019 is a photographic snapshot of the community that I live in.
Cliftonville remains one of the poorest wards in the country despite the rapid socio-economic changes taking place through ‘regeneration’. It’s a culturally rich, ethnically mixed and dynamic part of Margate. It’s a vibrant place. We have one of the largest Roma communities in the country and many of my images document the families and children of these communities. This project is a photographic snapshot of a moment in Cliftonville’s history. Brexit fears and rising rents are beginning to push people out. The Roma community are particularly being threatened by these changes.
This work was exhibited as part of Margate NOW art festival 2019; Turner Contemporary offsite programme; K bookshow in Lithuania and Loupe magazine.